Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stacy and Peter Baird visit with two dogs

I get a call Wednesday from Stacy Baird (Stay and Peter are friends from ASCSA-they are now kicked out of the group like we are) stating they wanted to come to New York Friday morning for a concert. I said "why don't you come up Thursday night and stay with us?" They took us up on the offer! We were excited to see them and have guests. Fortunately, the apt. was coming together and we finally had some furniture.

We got the apartment in order and waited for their arrival. It was great to see them and they brought their two dogs! They were well behaved (the dogs...) and would stay in their kennel while we were away from the apt.

The concert was Train which performed for the Today show early Friday morning. Early, meaning we were there about 6:30 a.m. Stacy and I thought we'd venture ahead of the line and see where it lead. Bad idea...we ended up getting separated from Peter and on the other side away from the stage. Peter was right next to the stage! So we got back in line but it didn't go all the way through-there was a blockade and we couldn't go any further. We were butting in front of people but we did have a good reason! to get to her husband. Most people believed us, except a girl scout with an attitude! She turned her back towards us. What has the world come to when a girl scout doesn't believe you?

So we just stayed where we were and enjoyed the concert. The music was entertaining and we danced to it. We made a new friend who stood next to us. He was from New Jersey and we enjoyed talking to him.

The staff handed out styro-foam microphones (who doesn't need one of those?) and we sang in to those. We were very sophisticated, we were.

We left about 3 1/2 hours later and met Todd for brunch at Kitchenette, a fun place in Tribecca. Then we were ready for a nap! So we headed home and crashed. We slept most of the afternoon (which I don't like to sleep the day away but when you get about 3 hours of sleep, the lack of sleep catches up with you).

We met Todd for dinner at Sweet Melissa's in Brooklyn. There's a nice outdoor patio in back of the restaurant. It was a beautiful night to spend outside. We were going to see a movie and rushed through dinner. When we rushed to the theatre, we found out that the movie was sold out. We decided to enjoy the nice weather and take a walk along the promenade. This gave us more of a chance to visit. We walked through the park by the promenade and enjoyed the city lights emanating from Manhattan, across the East River.

We stopped for ice cream. We had to.

The next morning we took our time getting around. I made breakfast. Then we wanted to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

Then we had the bright idea of walking back on the Manhattan Bridge. None of us had done that, so it was new to all of us. But we had felt we had walked about 100 miles, so we were pretty wiped out.

We ended up at Juniors for a late lunch. Shortly after they loaded up to go back home. We loved having them here.

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