Monday, September 13, 2010

San Francisco, CA August 28th-31st

Todd had a conference in San Francisco, CA for a week. I was able to join him for a long weekend. San Francisco is beautiful but it's cold! Even in August it was in the 60's and got down in the 50's at night.

We got up at o'dark thirty to catch a plane. We arrived in CA before noon. We've made it a practice to not think about the time difference and adjust to the local time as soon as we can. This way we don't spend our day thinking of how tired we are or what time it really is. We try to adjust and keep moving forward.

We got to the hotel, Le Meridien, which is in the financial district downtown. We unloaded and then walked to the Ferry Market, which my tour guide (aka Todd) said that the building has been remodeled and had really turned around since the last time he'd seen it. It had a lot of neat shops and restaurants in it. It was fun to look around and see unique shops.

We ended up at a fish place and I had clam chowder and he had clams. It was delicious.
This was the view that we had of the Bay Bridge when we ate. We sat facing windows all along the back of the restaurant that gave us this view.

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