Monday, September 13, 2010

Northport Long Island August 22nd, 2010

We rented a zip car and drove up to Northport, LI on Sunday morning to go to church.
It was a sweet little church. We drove around the north forks and along the water. The north forth is so much greener and plush than the South fork of Long Island-because of all of the rain it gets. Each time we've been to the Northfork, it has rained.

It drizzled all day. We walked around a little bit in Northport and grabbed a bite to eat at the local pub. Had fish and chips and it was tastey.

Then we drove to Centerport and went to the Vanderbilt mansion.It wasn't as lavish as the other Museums we've seen. This mansion houses many of Mr. Vanderbilt's collections of fish and a vast collection of marine life displayed in the aquarium. If you're a nature lover, you would love his collection.

Then we drove back along Long Beach but it wasn't very scenic. The land was flat and dry; not plush at all.

We had an invitation from a friend to eat at her house and watch PBS specials, so we drove to her house. That was fun.

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