Wednesday, June 9, 2010

St. Patricks in Stroudsburg, PA March 12-14th

The weekend before St. Patricks, Todd and I visited our new friends, Jeff and Beth Pomeroy in Stroudsburg, PA. We rented a zip car on a Friday night and drove to their house. Todd did a great job driving in the rain.

We got there after 10:00 p.m. so there wasn't too much time to visit with them. They have a great big house on the outside edge of town.

Saturday morning they cooked breakfast for us! We then drove to Scranton, PA (where the Office show is supposed to take place...actually it's filmed in California). We went to the Coal Museum (can you guess who wanted to go to that?...) actually, Beth likes history also, so Todd was in good company.

It rained all day, so we missed the St. Patrick's parade. We found a hole in the wall pizza place for lunch down town.

Then we drove back to their house. We watched "Finding Neverland" with Johnny Depp. It was entertaining. Then we had dinner. Beth had cooked ____________ for us. Then we played Taboo! Fun. We laughed pretty hard. It was Todd's first time of playing and he did pretty well.

Sunday morning we all got up and went to church.

We ate at the soda shop for lunch afterwards. Then Todd and I left our friends and drove around a little while through Stroudsburg before heading
back to the big city.

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