Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hypde Park, NY April 24th 2010

We rented a zip car and drove to Hyde Park, NY, the home of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

First, we stopped by the Culinary Art Institute and were hoping to eat at one of the restauran
ts. But the casual one was closed so we will have to wait until next time to try this.
This is the front of the CIA. We were quite impressed. It resembled a regular four year college campus.

Then we drove to the Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park,NY and received a tour.

Then we drove to FDR's home and Museum.
Here is the FDR Home Here is the Museum. We received a tour of the home and then toured the Museum on our own.

Then we drove back and stopped in _____________ at ate at _________. Good food. Todd ordered the ______________.
A good time was had by all!

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