Saturday, June 5, 2010

Atlanta Adventure April 7-10 2010!

Our Second trip this year (our first big was one to Lake Placid-a wonderful week of skiing and snow boarding during the Olympics) was to Atlanta, GA so Todd could attend a conference for non-profit technology. We flew in on a Wednesday and took the train in to downtown. We were walking by a W Hotel (one of my favorites) and I said "look Todd, a W Hotel" and he surprised me and walked in to the hotel. He had booked it to surprise me. What fun! We love the W hotels, they're so modernly decorated, have fun lobbies and wonderful food.

We unloaded our luggage in the room and then walked around and explored (like we usually do when we get to a city). We walked to the Convention Center, which was close by. On our way back, we walked through the Olympic Park where the 1996 Summer Olympics were held.

We had appetizers in the hip lobby and then took the train to church. It's a big beautiful church right next to the Art Museum. The service was good and there testimonies, one right after another.

Then we walked around the neighborhood and went back to the hotel.

Thursday morning, Todd had a little bit of time before his conference started, so we went to the Art Museum. There was a John Portman exhibit, a famous architect that Todd wanted to see.

Todd had to leave and I lingered a bit more at the Museum (of course!) I walked over to the Reading Room (which was next to the church) and got a little studying
in. It was a beautiful reading room, nicely layed out.

I stayed at the Museum the rest of the day. There was a nice African
permanent mask exhibit and a special digital artist exhibit. I then left and met up with Todd at the Hotel.

We went exploring in Buckhead. We walked quite a ways (as we're used to doing). There wasn't too much to s
ee, mostly businesses and residential. Then we found our way back close to the train stop where a French restaurant had caught our eye. The food was pretty good. We're pretty spoiled and hard to please, because we compare the food we get in New York to other places. The waiter spoke French, so it was fun to listen to him talk.

Friday Todd went to his conference and I went to the Botanical Gardens! There were a lot of tulips and a chihuly glass piece by the fountain.

I stayed all day, soaked up the sun and took in the scents from the flowers.

I met Todd back at the hotel and we decided to eat at BLLT Steak, the restaurant in the hotel. It was excellent. Some of the best steak we've had. Well seasoned, juicy and full of flavor. It melted in our mouths.

The next day was less eventful. Todd went to his last day of the conference. I had several places I was trying to decide between to go, but got several business calls, so I took care of business. By then, Todd was done with his conference and it was time to head back!

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